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I love the MyTekc mission and I need the product to help my family. I want to be involved, but I cannot afford a membership or to invest right now... What can I do to help?
MyTekc is a world-wide compassionate movement that innovates ways for people, especially families to help ourselves while helping each other. We seek members. supporters, investors, entrepreneurs and struggling families to join our mission:
Anyone who wants to help everyday people reach higher rates of success in every aspect of our lives
The solutions we create will serve people and families from every walk of life. From business owners too the employees too the unemployed, the homeless and beyond.
Our Why is the most important reason MyTekc exists... Too Many are Struggling! Too Few Solutions...
The world has changed, so must we!
Our world needs to
Modernize the way's we help families in today's world with its challenges and abilities.
What does MyTekc do? We invent amazing products and services intent on altering the horrifying statistics of today's families and their challenges. We give a place ( where people and communities can join forces to change the direction of our world, especially for the families and children around us who are struggling.
We are building a brand families can turn to for help tools and support for quicker end results to our battles large or small.
Where ever you are in life. What ever you need..
You choose from MyTekc's web pages and drop down menu's too find what you need when you need it. (solutions for your life's challenges will be one click away)
Drop Down Menu examples:
Membership is open now!
Membership is affordable for anyone. It's your way to support and participate in our mission.
Help others while you receive member benefits, discounts and finance opportunities.
Your low cost membership will start changing our world starting with yours.
Everything we do Is for and to help today's families. Everything we invent, buy or sell builds upon that foundation. People will know that anything that holds the MyTekc Logo or the MyTekc stamp of approval is supporting and innovating Life-Lifting help and opportunities to families of our present and future generations worldwide.
MyTekc is a brand. We are not trying to reinvent the wheel, but rather invent what is needed to make our mission achievable. MyTekc will support, encourage and promote other products and services that stay true to our mission.
MyTekc will accept for profit donations but rather than giving and receiving through non-profit status, MyTekc will generate the majority of its funds through our inventions, services and the MyTekc Store. We will grow and share our wealth through royalty deals and profit sharing. MyTekc has numerous agendas for giving back. We will also sponsor families and create family assistance programs. Our's differs from others in that our programs will give all families our Dare to Dream team. These programs and products include profit share opportunities to any family we serve. See our Entrepreneurs ARK and Pay-It-Forward Programs to learn more
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Under construction!
Under construction!
Under construction!
Under construction!
The Smart Talk Calendar... Investment opportunity countdown
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Welcome to our blog! Here we keep it real! We address real issues with real families, in the real world, in real time, about real opportunities to help AND to heal. We collaborate with real people encountering real struggles to find and create real solutions for the issues, division and battles we face everyday, many times as a result of living in our technology-driven world. We are passionate about helping stressed out families reclaim key balance and positivity. Are you in? Let's keep talking!
Every product and service sold under the MyTekc brand supports the MyTekc mission.
Helping families.
We must have missed something. Lets go back to the basics. Everything we are seeing and will see tomorrow was written thousands of years ago.
Inventing our own safe technology and family help products where our families can share in the royalties.
Awareness Morgellons
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